A Literary Map of Turkey

by Franz-Benjamin Mocnik and Lisa Maria Teichmann

Texts from the METU Turkish Corpus


unfiltered matches


number of spatial entitiesOpenStreetMap
number of text passagesMETU Turkish Corpus

total number of words
total number of matches
total number of matches after filtering


Bilge Say, Deniz Zeyrek, Kemal Oflazer, Umut Özge
Development of a Corpus and a Treebank for Present-day Written Turkish
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Turkish Linguistics, 2002
In: Kamile İmer, Gürkan Doğan (eds.): Current Research in Turkish Lingustics, Eastern Mediterranean University Press, 2004, pp. 183–192.


Lisa Maria Teichmann, Franz-Benjamin Mocnik
A Literary Map of Turkey
Proceedings of the Workshop "Data-driven Research in the History of Southeast Europe and Turkey", 2015